1. N. Ayache, O. Faugeras, “Maintaining Representation of the Environment of a Mobile Robot”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotics Research. Santa Cruz, California, USA, August 1987.
2. A. Blake, A. Zisserman, Visual Reconstruction. Cambridge MA, MIT Press, 1987.
3. K. Brammer, G. Siffling, Kalman Bucy Filters. Artech House Inc., Norwood MA, USA, 1989.
4. R. Brooks, “Visual Map Making for a Mobile Robot”, Proc. 1985 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 1985.
5. C. Brown, and H. Durrant Whyte, J. Leonard and B. Y. S. Rao, “Centralized and Decentralized Kalman Filter Techniques for Tracking, Navigation and Control”, DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, May 1989.