1. The President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research: Deciding to forego life-sustaining treatment. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1983
2. The American Medical Association: Statement of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Withholding or with-drawing life prolonging medical treatment. Chicago, Illinois, 1986
3. In re: Rodas, No. 86PR 139 (Colo. Dist. Ct. Mesa County Jan. 22, 1987)
4. Brophy vs. New England Sinai Hospital Inc. 497 N.E. 2nd, 626 Mass., 1986
5. In re: Conroy, 98 NJ 321, 486 A 2d, 1209 (NJ, 1985)