1. Brighton-Webs, 2007, Triangular distributions: see also: http://brighton-webs.co.uk/distributions/triangular.asp .
2. Crovelli, R. A., 1993, Probability and statistics for petroleum resource assessment: US Geological Survey Open File Report 93-582, 143 p.
3. Curtis, J. B., and Montgomery, S. L., 2002, Recoverable natural gas resource of the United States: summary of recent estimates: AAPG Bull., v. 86, no. 10, p. 1671–1678.
4. EIA, 2005, Annual Energy Outlook 2005, Energy Information Administration: see also: www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo .
5. Haskett, W. J., and Brown, P. J., 2005, Evaluation of unconventional resource plays: Society of Petroleum Engineers Paper 96879 presented at the Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, 9–12 October 2005, 11 p.