1. Parigi, D. and Kirkegaard, P. H. 2013a. The reciprocalizer: A design tool for reciprocal structures. Paper 147. In Proceedings of Civil Comp 2013 conference (Cagliari, 2013), B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi, ed. Stirlingshire, UK: Civil-Comp Press.
2. Parigi, D. and Kirkegaard, P. H. 2013b. Efficient design and fabrication of free-form reciprocal structures. Pp 480–487 in Structure and Architecture: Concepts, Applications and Challenges, Paulo J. da Sousa Cruz, ed. London: Taylor & Francis.
3. Parigi, D. and Kirkegaard, P. H. 2014. Design and Fabrication of Free-Form Reciprocal Structures. Nexus Network Journal 16, 1 (in this same issue).
4. Parigi, D., Kirkegaard, P. H. and Sassone, M. 2012. Hybrid optimization in the design of reciprocal structures. In Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2012: From Spatial Structures to Space Structures (Seoul, 21–24 May 2012).