1. Edwards H M, Galois Theory, GTM 101 (1984) (New York: Springer-Verlag)
2. Filaseta M, Kidd T and Trifonov O, Laguerre polynomials with Galois group $$A_m$$ for each $$m$$, J. Number Theory, 32 (2012) 776–180
3. Ireland K and Rosen M, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory (2013) (Springer Science and Business Media 84)
4. Jacobson N, Basic Algebra II, 2nd edition (1989) (San Francisco: W H Freeman) (also Dover edition 2009, and Hindustan Publishing Corporation, Delhi, India)
5. Morandi P, Field and Galois Theory, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 166 (1996) (Springer)