1. United States Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: National Diabetes Fact Sheet. http://www. cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/estimates05.htm#prev. Accessed December 12, 2005.
2. Gonder-Frederick LA, Cox DJ, Ritterban LM: Diabetes and behavioral medicine: the second decade. J Consult Clin Psych 2002, 70:611–624. This review provides a comprehensive discussion of behavioral issues in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
3. Beaser RS, ed: Joslin's Diabetes Deskbook. Boston, MA: Joslin Diabetes Center; 2001.
4. Weinger K, Welch GW, Jacobson AM: Psychosocial and psychiatric issues in diabetes mellitus. In Principles of Diabetes Mellitus. Edited by Poretsky L. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2003:639–654.
5. Welch GW, Weinger K, Jacobson AM: Psychosocial aspects of type 2 diabetes. In Textbook of Type 2 Diabetes. Edited by Goldstein B, Muller-Wieland D. London: Martin Dunitz Publishers; 2003:65–76.