1. Jeffcoate WJ, van Houtum WH: Amputation as a marker of the quality of foot care in diabetes. Diabetologia 2004, 47:2051–2058.
2. Jeffcoate WJ, Harding KG: Diabetic foot ulcers. Lancet 2003, 361:1545–1551. Gives a clear systematic overview of the diabetic foot. Impact, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment are discussed.
3. Schaper NC, Apelqvist J, Bakker K: The International Consensus and Practical Guidelines on the management and prevention of the Diabetic Foot. Curr Diab Rep 2003, 3:475–479.
4. International Consensus on the Diabetic Foot and Practical Guidelines on the Management and the Prevention of the Diabetic Foot. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot; [on CD-ROM at http://www.idf.org/bookshop]2003. The International Consensus on the Diabetic Foot is a worldwide accepted document providing detailed and up-to-date information concerning the diabetic foot. It is aimed at health care professionals and policy makers providing practical guidelines in the management and the prevention of the diabetic foot.
5. Diabetes and Foot Care: Time to Act. Edited by Bakker K, et al. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation and the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot; 2005.