1. A. A. Zenin, Candidate's Dissertation, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1962).
2. R. M. Fristrom and A. A. Westenberg, Flame Structure, McGraw-Hill (1965).
3. J. Powling and W. A. W. Smith, Combust. Flame,3 (1962).
4. J. A. Steinz and M. Summerfield, “Low pressure burning of composite solid propellants,” in: Propellant Manufacture, Hazard and Testing Symposium, Washington (1969).
5. N. N. Bakhman, V. A. Zaitsev, et al., in: Summaries of Papers from the Fourth All-Union Symposium on Combustion and Explosion [in Russian], Chernogolovka (1974).