1. Arnot, M. David, M. and Weiner, G. (1999)Closing the Gender Gap: Post War Education and Social Change, Polity Press, Oxford.
2. Collins, C., Kenway, J. and McLeod, J. (2000)Factors Influencing the Educational Performance of Males and Females in School and in their Initial Destinations after Leaving School, Commonwealth Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Canberra. (see http://www.detya.gov.au/directory/new.htm)
3. Dusseldorp Skills Forum (1999)Key Indicators: How Young People are Faring, Dusseldorp Skills Forum, Sydney.
4. Epstein, D., Elwood, J., Hey, V. and Maw, J. (eds) (1998)Failing Boys? Issues in Gender and Achievement, Open University Press, Buckingham.
5. Reference Books in International Education,1999