In this note we analyze the semi-classical quantization of D3-branes in three different holographic backgrounds in type IIB string theory. The first background is Euclidean AdS5 with S1× S3 boundary accompanied with a twist to preserve supersymmetry. We work out the spectrum of fluctuations around the classical D3-brane configuration, compute its one-loop partition function, and match to the non-perturbative correction to the superconformal index of $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 4 SYM. We then study Euclidean D3-branes in the Pilch-Warner geometry dual to the IR Leigh-Strassler fixed point of $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 1* with the aim to find non-perturbative corrections to its index. Finally we study Euclidean D3-branes in the non-geometric $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 2 J-fold background which is dual to the gauging of the 3D Gaiotto-Witten SCFT.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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