1. Aristotelis Metaphysica, rec. H. Bonitz, p. I, Bonnae, 1848.
2. Plutarch, Moralia, ed. G. Bernardakis, t. II, Leipzig, 1889.
3. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, ed. M. Hayduck, Berolini, 1891.
4. Anonymer Kommentar zu Platons Theaetet, unter Mitwirk. von J. L. Heiberg bearb. von H. Diels und W. Schubart, Berlin, 1905.
5. The commentary of Pappus on book X of Euclid's elements. Arabic text and transl. by W. Thomson, with introduct., remarks, notes and a glossary of technical terms by G. Junge and W. Thomson, Cambridge, Mass., 1930.