1. J.K. Tien and E.A. Schwarzkopf:Electron Beam Melting and Refining-State of the Art 1983, Bakish Materials Corp., Englewood, NJ, 1983, p. 6.
2. G.E. Maurer:Superalloys, Supercomposites and Superceramics, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 1989, p. 84.
3. P.N. Quested and S. Chakravotry:Electron Beam Melting and Refining-Stateof the Art 1989 Part One, Bakish Materials Corp., 1989, p. 10.
4. D. Fournier and A. Pineau:Metall. Trans. A, 1977, vol. 8A, pp. 1095–1105.
5. Y. Murakami:Low Cycle Fatigue, ASTM STP942, 1988, p. 1048.