1. I. V. Kudryavtsev and V. N. Novikov, "Strength of surface-hardened steel with cyclic loading," Vestn. Mashinostr., No. 7 (1947).
2. M. M. Kobrin, "Strengthening of cast steel by surface strain hardening," in: Strength of Steel [in Russian], Mashgiz, Moscow (1951).
3. H. Neuber, Stress Concentrations [Russian translation], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1947), p. 51.
4. I. V. Kudryavtsev, Internal Stresses as a Source of Strength in Machine Construction [in Russian], Mashgiz, Moscow (1951).
5. R. Todd and H. Fuchs, Exp. Mech., No. 12, 548 (1971).