1. A.G. Von Matuschka, Boronizing (Philadelphia, PA: Heyden and Son Inc., 1980), pp. 11–30.
2. A.K. Sinha, ASM Handbook: Boriding (Boronizing), (Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 1990) pp. 437–447.
3. G. Kartal and S. Timur, Mater. Lett. (2005), in press.
4. G. Kartal, O. Kahvecioglu, and S. Timur, Surf. Coating Technol., in press.
5. O.L. Eryilmaz, S. Timur, G. Kartal, and A. Erdemir (Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. Las Vegas, NV, 2005).