1. C. Donnet, Surf. Coat. Technol. 100–101, 180 (1998).
2. CNX films are being used by the computer magnetic industry as a protective overcoat (for example, Seagate Technology, Hyundai Electronics America, IBM, and Western Digital in the United States) and as a protective coating in special tools (for example, Impact Coatings AB in Sweden)
3. See for example, US04664976, US05630275, US05855746, US6165891, JP11050988A2, JP2040059A2, and EP1002964A1 (copies of the patents can be obtained from http://www.delphion.com).
4. Z.J. Zhang, S. Fan, J. Huang, and C.M. Lieber, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2639 (1996).
5. D.R. McKenzie, Y. Yim, N.A. Marks, C.A. Davis, B.A. Pailthorpe, G. Amaratunga, and V.S. Veerasamy, Diam. Relat. Mater. 3, 353 (1994).