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2. Bewley, D. K., Page, B. C.: Radiation outside the main beam in neutron therapy. In: Proceedings of workshop on basic physical data for neutron dosimetry. In press
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4. Booz, J., Oldenbourg, U., Coppola, M.: Das Problem der Gewebeäquivalenz für schnelle Neutronen in der Mikrodosimetrie. In: Proceedings First Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine, pp. 117?134 (Burger, G., Schraube, H., Ebert, H. G.,Eds.). EUR 4896 d-f-e. Luxembourg: CEC 1972
5. Broerse, J. J., Broers-Challis, J. E., Maruyama, T.: Dosimetry of D-T neutrons for radiotherapeutic applications. In: Proceedings of First Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine, pp. 627?642 (Burger, G., Schraube, H., Ebert, H. G.,Eds.). EUR 4896 d-f-e. Luxembourg: CEC 1972