1. G. Petzow, Metallographic Etching, 2nd ed., ASM International, 1999, p 38–50 and 153–174
2. D.J. Clinton, A Guide to Polishing and Etching of Technical and Engineering Ceramics, The Institute of Ceramics, 1987, p 17–21 and 27–34
3. L.A. Lay, Corrosion Resistance of Technical Ceramics, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1983, p 31–32
4. G. Elssner, H. Hoven, G. Kiessler, and P. Wellner, Ceramics and Ceramic Composites: Materialographic Preparation, R. Wert, Trans., Elsevier Science Inc., 1999, p 40–48, 89, 95
5. H. Mörtel, Microstructural Analysis, Ceramics and Glasses, Vol. 4, Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM International, 1991), p. 570–579