1. I. N. Verkhovskaya, Abstracts of Proceedings of an All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on the Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiations in the National Economy and in Science [in Russian] (Moscow, 1957), p. 173.
2. I. N. Verkhovskaya, ?The role of bromine in the animal organism,? Studies of Animals. Pisciculture. Food Industry [in Russian] (Moscow, 1958), p. 116.
3. I. N. Verkhovskaya and L. M. Tsofina, Byull. eksper. biol., No. 12 65 (1958).
4. I. N. Verkhovskaya, Bromine Metabolism in the Animal Organism and the Mechanism of Its Action. Author's abstract of doctoral dissertation [in Russian] (Moscow, 1960).
5. I. N. Verkhovskaya, Bromine in the Animal Organism and the Mechanism of Its Action [in Russian] (Moscow, 1962).