1. J.J. Holmes, Reduction of a Ship’s Magnetic Field Signature (Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Williston, 2008), pp. 55–72
2. J.J. Holmes, Modelling a Ship’s Ferromagnetic Signatures, 1st edn. (Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Williston, 2007), pp. 33–48
3. J.J. Holmes, Exploitation of a Ship’s Magnetic Field Signatures, 1st edn. (Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Williston, 2006), pp. 12–22
4. J.C. Hubbard, S.H. Brooks, B.C. Torrance, UDT 64, 480 (1996)
5. R. Donati, J.P. Le Cadre, IRR Proc. Radar Sonar Navig. 149, 221 (2002)