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2. B. I. Ptashnyk, “A problem of the de la Vallee-Poussin type for linear hyperbolic equations with variable coefficients,”Dokl Akad.Nauk Ukr. SSR, Ser. A, No. 2, 127–130 (1967).
3. V.I. Bernyk, B. I. Ptashnyk, and B. O. Salyha, “An analog of the multipoint problem for a hyperbolic equation with constant coefficients,”Differents. Uravn.,13, No. 4, 637–645 (1977).
4. B. I. Ptashnyk and B. O. Salyha, “An analog of the multipoint problem for partial differential equations with variable coefficients,”Ukr. Mat. Zk,35, No. 6, 728–734 (1983).
5. B. I. Ptashnyk,Ill-Posed Boundary-Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev 1984.