1. R.P. Elliott and W. Rostoker, “The Occurrence of Laves-type Phase Among Transition Elements,”Trans. ASM, 50, 617–633 (1958). (Experimental)
2. S.K. Gupta and K.P. Gupta, “Phase Equilibria at the High Mn End of the Mn-Ti-VandMn-Ti-Cr Systems,”Trans. Indian lnst. Met., 29, 36–41 (1976). (Experimental; #)
3. J.F. Smith and O.N. Carlson, “The Mn-VSystem,”Bull. of Alloy PhaseDiagrams, 2, 473–478 (1982). (Review)
4. J.L. Murray,“The Ti-V System,”PhaseDiagrams of Binary Titanium Alloys, ASM International, 319–335 (1987). (Review)
5. J.L. Murray,“The Mn-Ti System,”PhaseDiagrams of Binary Titanium Alloys, ASM International, 159-168(1987). (Review)