1. S. Pomeranchuk:Žurn. Ėksp. Teor. Fiz. (U.S.S.R.),34, 725 (1958); translationJ.E.T.P.,7, 499 (1958);D. Amati, M. Fierz andV. Glaser:Phys. Rev. Lett.,4, 89 (1960);S. Weinberg:Phys. Rev.,124, 2049 (1961);M. Sugawara andA. Kanazawa:Phys. Rev.,123, 1895 (1961);L. Van Hove:Phys. Lett.,5, 252 (1963).
2. M. Froissart:Phys. Rev.,123, 1053 (1961).
3. R. Omnès:Nuovo Cimento,8, 316 (1958), (Appendix);K. Symanzik:Journ. Math. Phys.,1, 249 (1960) (Appendix);S. Weinberg: loc. cit. in (1);G. M. Prosperi:Nuovo Cimento,26, 541 (1962) (Appendix).
4. See for instanceA. Scotti andG. Shaw:Inelastic Effects in N/D Equations (to be published).
5. See for instanceG. F. Chew:S Matrix Theory of Strong Interaction (New York,