1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, On Establishing Priority Areas for the Development of Science, Technologies, and Engineering in the Russian Federation and a List of Critical Technologies for the Russian Federation, July 7, 2011, No. 899.
2. V. I. Balabanov, Nanotechnologies [in Russian], Eksmo, Moscow (2009).
3. V. S. Aleksandrov, N. N. Trunov, and A. A. Lobashev, “Prospects for the development of nanometrology,” Izmer. Tekhn., No. 8, 11–15 (2010); Measur. Techn., 53, No. 8, 845–851 (2010).
4. V. V. Okrepilov, Dictionary of Terminology and Definitions for Standardization and Metrology in Nanotechnology [in Russian], Nauka, St. Petersburg (2008).
5. V. S. Aleksandrov, N. N. Trunov, and A. A. Lobashev, “System approach to the metrology of quantum multiparticle systems,” Izmer. Tekhn., No. 4, 3–7 (2008); Measur. Techn., 51, No. 4, 345–350 (2008).