1. A. D. Blumlein, Pat. 323,037 GB, “Alternating bridge circuits,” Illustr. Offic. J. Patents, Feb. 12 (1930), pp. 7727–7728.
2. H. D. Brooks and F. C. Holtz, “The two-stage current transformer,” Amer. IEE Trans., 41, 382–393 (1922).
3. A. M. Thompson, “The precise measurement of small capacitances,” IRE Trans. Instrum., 1–7, 3–4 (1958).
4. A. M. Thompson, “AC bridge methods for the measurement of three terminal admittances,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Measur., IM-13, No. 4, 189–197 (1964).
5. A. M. Jeffery, “New multifrequency bridge at NIST,” BNM-LCIE (1998), pp. G1–G37.