1. Federal Targeted Program, Support on Development, and Use of GLONASS for 2012–2020 (GLONASS-2020), http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/cgi-bin/cis/fcp.cgi/Fcp/ViewFcp/View/2012/396 , accessed Sept. 24, 2014.
2. Federal Law No. 102-FZ, On Assurance of the Uniformity of Measurements, June 26, 2008.
3. GOST 52928–2010, Global Satellite Navigation System. Terms and Definitions.
4. GOST 8.750–2011, GSI. State Accuracy Chain for Coordinate-Time Measuring Instruments.
5. A. I. Perov and V. N. Kharisov, GLONASS. Design and Operating Principles, Radiotekhnika, Moscow (2010).