1. GOST 8.586.3–2005, GSI. Measurement of Flow Rate and Volume of Liquids and Gases by Means of Standard Contractions. Part 3. Nozzles and Venturi Nozzles. Technique Requirements.
2. N. S. Acherkan (ed.), Machine Builder’s Handbook [in Russian], MAShGIZ, Moscow, (1960).
3. P. P. Kremlevskii, Flow Meters and Volume Counters [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Leningrad (1975).
4. A. N. Semko and Yu. V. Loktyushina, “On taking account of the compressibility of a liquid when calculating flow in a hydraulic cannon,” Visn. Donetsk. Nats. Univ. Ser. A. Prirodnychi Nauky, No. 2, 95–101 (2011).
5. V. V. Reshetnyak and A. N. Semko, “Influence of form of a nozzle on the parameters of a hydraulic cannon,” Pryklad. Gidromekh., 12, No. 3,62–74 (2010).