1. Protection of Human Subjects. 45 CFR §46, 2005. Available at: www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/45cfr46.htm. Accessed October 20, 2008.
2. NIH Revitalization Act of 1993. Publ. No. 103-43. 1993.
3. DHHS, FDA. Investigational New Drug Applications and New Drug Applications. 21 CFR Parts 312 and 314. Federal Register, Volume 63, February 11, 1998, page 6854. AND Guidance for Industry. Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data in Clinical Trials. Available at: http:// www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/5656fnl.htm. Accessed November 3, 2008.
4. Research on Cardiovascular Disease in Women Program Brief. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, June 2006. Available at: http:// www.ahrq.gov/research/womheart.htm. Accessed October 10, 2008.
5. Gender disparity seen in medical trials. United Press International article on remarks by Dr. Wendy Tsang at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2008 in Toronto. Available at: www.upi.com/ Health_News/2008/20/28/Gender_disparity_seen_in_medical_trials/ UPI-53701225208817/. Accessed November 5, 2008.