1. M. MORELLO, C. COLLE, J. BERNARD, Mesure du2 3 7Np dans l'environment, Communication given for the Congress “Actinides 85” Aix-en-Provence-France 5 September 1985.
2. E. HOLM, M. NILSSON, Technics for identifying transuranic speciation in aquatic environments. Proc. of Technical Commity Meeting ISPRA-Italy, 24–28 March 1980, IAEA and CEE, p. 43.
3. E. HOLM, Impacts of radionuclides releases into the nature environment, Vienna, 1980, p. 155, IAEA-SM-248/108.
4. R. J. PENTREATH, B. R. HARVEY, Mar. Ecol. Prog., Ser. 6 (1981) 243.
5. M. PAGES, Traité de Chimie Minérale (Pascal) T. XV, Fasc. 1/3, 1967.