1. Samorajczyk J: Children's responsiveness to imagination suggestions during school entry.Develop Psychol 1:211?15, 1969.
2. Bernheim H:Hypnosis and Suggestion in Psychotherapy: A Treatise on the Nature and Uses of Hypnotism, translated by C A Herter from 2d revised ed. New Hyde Park, NY, University Books, 1964. (Originally published in 1888.)
3. Baudouin C:Suggestion et autosuggestion, 2d ed. Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1921.
4. Binet A:La suggestibilité. Paris, Schleicher Fréres, 1900.
5. Pavlov IP:Conditioned Reflexes. London, Oxford University Press, 1927.