1. Safety Inspection Regulation for Hydraulic Structures of Power Stations [in Russian], SPO Soyuzénergo, Moscow (1981).
2. O. V. Vasil'kov, V. V. Kalinin, and I. K. Konovalov, ?Industrial means of checking the reliability of power structures and their foundations,? Tr. Gidroproekta, No. 79 (1982).
3. Recommendations on Observations of the Stress-Strain State of Concrete Dams [in Russian], P 100-81/VNIIG, Leningrad (1982).
4. Guide to On-Site Observations of Deformations of Hydraulic Structures and Their Foundations by Geodesic Methods [in Russian], P-648/Gidroproekt, Énergiya, Moscow (1980).
5. É. K. Aleksandrovskaya, N. A. Kadyskina, L. B. Sapozhnikov, and G. B. Pesin, ?Programs for computer storage and processing of data on the stress state of concrete hydraulic structures,? Gidrotekh. Stroit., No. 1 (1978).