1. L. Rosenfeld:Ann. Phys. (Leipzig),5, 113 (1930);Z. Phys.,65, 589 (1930);P. G. Bergmann:Helv. Acta Suppl.,4, 79 (1956), and references therein.
2. P. A. M. Dirac:Can. J. Math.,2, 129 (1950);Lectures on Quantum Mechanics (Academic Press, New York, N. Y., 1965).
3. C. Teitelboim:The Hamiltonian structure of Spacetime, Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University;S. Hojman, K. Kuchar andC. Teitelboim:Ann. Phys. (N. Y.,96, 88 (1976).
4. J. Anderson:Phys. Rev.,114, 1182 (1959);A. Komar:Phys. Rev. D.,20, 830 (1979).
5. We adopt the name hyperspace for the space of all three metricsg ij (x) instead of the traditional one of superspace, to avoid confusion with the superspace of supersymmetric theories.