1. E. P. Chetverikova, in the book: Abstracts of Sectional Communications at the 5th International Biochemical Congress. Vol. 2 (1961), p. 275.
2. A. I. Shevchenko, in the book: Studies on the Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission in the Reticular Formation. [in Russian] (Leningrad, 1961), p. 361.
3. G. V. R. Born and E. Bülbring, J. Physiol., Vol. 127 (London, 1955), p. 626.
4. G. V. R. Born, J. Physiol., Vol. 131 (London, 1956), p. 704.
5. E. Bülbring, J. Physiol., Vol. 128 (London, 1953), p. 200.