1. E. Hornobogen:Precipitation From Iron-Base Alloys, G. R. Speich and J. B. Clark, eds. vol. 28, p. 1, Gordon and Breach Science Publ., New York, 1965.
2. A. K. Sinha, R. A. Buckley, and W. Hume-Rothery:J. Iron Steel Inst., 1967, vol. 205, p. 191.
3. G. R. Speich:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1962, vol. 224, p. 850.
4. G. Sasaki:Mechanical Properties of Laves Phases, Dec. 1970, Univ. of Calif., Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, UCRL-20301.
5. R. P. Elliott:Constitution of Binary Alloys, 1st suppl., p. 255, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1965.