1. P.D. Corl, G.S. Kino, C.S. DeSilets, and P.M. Grant, “A Digital Synthetic Focus Acoustic Imaging System,” Acoustic Imaging, vol. 8, A.F. Metherell (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1980.
2. G.S. Kino, P.M. Grant, P.D. Corl, and C.S. DeSilets, “Digital Synthetic Aperture Acoustic Imaging for NDE,” Proc. ARPA/AFML Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, La Jolla, California, July 1978.
3. P.D. Corl, P.M. Grant, and G.S. Kino, “A Digital Synthetic Focus Acoustic Imaging System for NDE,” Proc. Ultrasonics Symposium, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, September 1978.
4. D. Corl, G.S. Kino, D. Behar, H. Olaisen, and P. Titchener, “Digital Synthetic Aperture Acoustic Imaging System,” Proc. ARPA/AFML Reivew of Progress in Quantitative NDE, La Jolla, California, July 1979.
5. P.D. Corl and G.S. Kino, “A Real-Time Synthetic-Aperture Imaging System,” Acoustic Imaging, vol. 9, K. Wang (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1980.