1. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.: Unix time-sharing system: Unix programmer’s manual Revised and expanded version. New York, N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983. ISBN 0-03-061742-1 (Vol. 1), 0-03-061743-X (Vol. 2). xvi + 425 pp. (Vol. 1), vii + 616 pp. (Vol. 2).
2. Gauthier, Richard: Using the Unix system. Reston, Virginia: Reston Publishing Co. (A Prentice-Hall Company), 1981. ISBN 0-8359-8164-9. xiv + 297 pp.
3. Thomas, Rebecca, Yates, Jean: A user guide to the Unix system. Berkeley: Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1982. ISBN 0-931988-71-3. xi + 508 pp.
4. Bourne, S. R.: The Unix system. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1982. ISBN 0-201-13791-7. xiii + 351 pp.
5. Banahan, M., Rutter, A.: Unix—the book. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Technical Press, 1982. vi + 265 pp. (Distributed by John Wiley). ISBN 0-905104-21-8.