1. For a review of the 1-D theory applied to organic conductors, see: Bourbonnais C. in Highly Correlated Fermion Systems and High Tc Superconductors, B. Douçot and R. Rammal, editors, Elsevier (1991)
2. Jérome D. and Schulz H.J., Adv. in Physics 31, 299 (1982)
3. Caron L. in Organic Conductors, p. 25, J.P. Farges (editor), M. Dekker, New- York (1994).
4. Byschkov Y A. et al. Sov. Phys. JETP, 23 (1966) 489
5. Solyom J., Adv. in Physics 28, 201 (1979)