1. D.R. Towill, “Automatic Testing of Control Systems—Past, Present and Future,”IERE Diamond Jubilee, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 67–80, 1987.
2. R. Brown, “Calculator-Controlled Testing of Rate Gyroscopes,” Proc. Autotestcon ’76, 1976, pp. 81–86.
3. P.J. Lawrence and G.J. Rogers, “Sequential Transfer-Function Synthesis From Measured Data,” Proc. IEEE, Vol. 126. No. 1, pp. 104–106, 1979.
4. L.H. Wedig, “Diagnostics and Productivity,” Proc. 25th IEEE Machine Tools Industry Conference, Cincinnati, 1981, pp. 4–6.
5. D.R. Towill and J.H. Williams, “The Automatic Test Station as a Quality Assurance Tool,” Proc. Autotestcon 78, San Diego, 1978, pp. 257–261.