1. Alfred Adler, Reflections—mathematics and creativity, New Yorker, 47(February 19, 1972 ) pp. 39–45.
2. A. D. Alexandrov, et al., Mathematics—Its Content, Methods, and Meanings, Vol. 1, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1963.
3. H. J. M. Bos, and H. Mehrtens The interaction of mathematics and society. Historia Mathematica
4(February 1977) 7 - 30.
4. Felix E. Browder, Is mathematics relevant? And if so, to what?, University of Chicago Magazine, 67:3(Spring, 1975 ) pp. 11–16.
5. Paul R. Halmos, Mathematics as a creative art, American Scientist, 56 (April, 1968) pp. 375–389.