1. Wilks S, Moxon W: Lectures on Pathological Anatomy ,ed 2. Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston, 1875.
2. Hale-White W: On simple ulcerative colitis and other intestinal ulcers. Guy’s Hosp Rep 1888;45:131–162.
3. Allchin WH: Ulcerative colitis: An address introductory to a discussion on the subject. Proc R Soc Med 1909;2:59–75.
4. Makins GH: Symposium on ulcerative colitis. Proc R Soc Med 1909;2:75–79.
5. Statistics of ulcerative colitis from the London hospitals, provided to form the basis for the above discussion. Proc R Soc Med 1909;2:100–156.