1. Louise M. Benjamin, “In Search of the Sarnoff ‘Radio Music Box’ Memo,” Journal of Broadcasting ⇐p; Electronic Media 37, Summer 1993, pp. 325–335.
2. This number, and the rest of the numbers quoted in this paragraph, are taken from Leslie J. Page, Jr., “The Nature of the Broadcast Receiver and Its Market in the United States from 1922 to 1927,” Journal of Broadcasting 4, Spring 1960, pp. 174–182. Also very helpful was the unpublished doctoral dissertation by Lawrence W. Lichty, “The Nation’s Station,” A History of Radio Station WLW, The Ohio State University 1964.
3. Ford A. Carpenter, “First Experiences of a Radio Broadcaster,” The Atlantic Monthly, September 1923.
4. From James Rorty, “The Impending Radio War,” Harper’s, November 1931.
5. Robert Littell, “A Day with the Radio,” The American Mercury, February 1932.