1. T.S. Kreilick, E. Gregory, D. Christopherson, G. Swenson and J. Wong, “Superconducting Wire and Cable for the Superconducting Supercollider”, Paper III- D-4, IISSC, New Orleans, LA, February 9–10, 1989.
2. R.M. Scanlan, J. Royet and R. Hannaford, “Fabrication of Rutherford-Type Superconducting Cables for Construction of Dipole Magnets”, Cryogenic Materials’88. eds. R.P. Reed, Z.S. Xing and E.W. Collings, Proc. ICMC Conf., Shenyang, China, 1, 391–399, 1988.
3. T.S. Kreilick, E. Gregory and J. Wong, “Fine Filamentary NbTi Superconducting Wires”, Adv. Crvo. Eng. Vol. 32, 739–745, eds. A.F. Clark and R.P. Reed,Plenum Press, 1986.
4. E.Gregory, “Conventional Superconducting Wire Technology”, invited paper for publication in a special issue of the Proc. IEEE in superconductor applications scheduled to appear in the Fall of 1989, guest ed. T. Van Duzer.
5. E. Gregory, T.S. Kreilick and J. Wong, “Fine Filamentary Materials for Accelerator Dipoles and Quadrupoles”, in Proc. ICFA Workshop, P. Dahl ed., Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL 52006 pp. 85–88, 1986.