1. H. Anthonis, N. J. Kreidl, (a) Non-Cr. Sol. 11 257 High softening point Si-As-Te-Ag gl (1972). (b) ibid, to be publ. High Tg polynary Si-As-Te-Se gl. (1973).
2. D. Adler, Amoprhous Seminconductors. Crit. Views in Sol. State Sci. Oct. (1971) Comprehensive survey of the entire field.
3. Y. Asahara, T. Izumitani, J. Non-Cr. Sol. U 407 (1972/73).
4. G.B. Avetkyan, LA.A. Baidakov, L.P. Strakhov, Inorg. Mat. 5, 1411 Ge-Se gl (1969).
5. L.G. Bailey, M. Brau, A.R. Hilton, US Pat. 3 154 242 Oct. (1964) High softening point ir transmitting gl.