1. R. B. Miller, An Introduction to the Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams, Plenum Press, New York, 1982.
2. M. Lampe,“Propagation of Charged Particle Beams in the Atmosphere,” in Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, March 16–19, 1987, Washington, DC, IEEE Catalog Number 87CH2387–9, p. 1965; also available as NRL Memorandum Report 6159, 1988.
3. This presentation of the NRL chemistry model is adapted from S.P. Slinker, R.F. Hubbard, NRL Memo Report 5777, 1986.
4. D. J. Strickl, A.W. AH, NRL Memo Report 4956, 1982.
5. A. W. Ali, NRL Memo Report 4794, 1982.