1. Proc. 4th Int.Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, Stuttgart, 1983 (eds. W.Eisenmenger, K.Laßmann,S.Döttinger, Springer Series in Solid State Sciences Vol.51, 1984) Part III.
2. Proc. 3rd Int.Conf. on Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, Montpellier, 1981 (Journal de Physique, Colloque C-7,1981).
3. For a timely review, see: V.Narayanamurti, Science 213, 717(1981).
4. Physics of Nonlinear Transport in Semiconductors (eds. D.K.Ferry and J.R.Barker, NASI Series B, Vol.52, 1980 ).
5. R.G.Ulbrich, V.Narayanamurti, and M.A.Chin, Phys.Rev.Lett. 45, 1432 (1980).