1. Basso, H. C., Dietsche, W., and Kinder, H., 1984, Interaction of adsorbed atoms with phonon pulses, in: “LT 17 (Contributed Papers)”, U. Eckern, A. Schmid, W. Weber, and H. WUhl, eds., North Holland, Amsterdam, p. 465, and to be publ.
2. Bates, C. A., and Wardlaw, R. S., 1980, A study of Mn3+ ions in A1203 from uniaxial stress data, J. Phys. C, 13: 3609.
3. Berberich, P., Buemann, R., and Kinder, H., 1982, Monochromatic phonon generation by the Josephson effect, Phys. Rev. Lett., 49:1500.More detailed accounts: Berberich, P., and Kinder H., 1984, The Josephson junction, a new tunable phonon source with high frequency resolution, in: Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, W. Eisenmenger, K. Lassmann, and S. D8ttinger, eds., Springer, Berlin, p. 18
4. Kinder, H., Berberich, P., and Schick, A., 1984, Generation of monochromatic phonons by Josephson junctions, in: “LT 17 (Invited Papers)”, U. Eckern, A. Schmid, W. Weber, and H. Wfl, eds., North Holland, Amsterdam, in print.
5. Berberich, P., and Kinder, H., 1981, The phonon spectrum emitted by superconducting Sn tunnel junctions, J. Physique, C6, 42: 374.