1. Albert Beutelspacher, Der Goldene Schnitt, Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, 1988.
2. Max Brückner, Vielecke und Vielflachey, Leipzig, 1900.
3. H. S. M. Coxeter, Introduction to Geometry (2nd ed.), Wiley, New York, 1969.
4. H. S. M. Coxeter, Patrick Du Val, H. T. Fiather, and J. F. Petrie, The Fifty-nine Icosahedra (2nd ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.
5. Felix Klein, Lectures on the Icosahedron and the Solution of Equations of the Fifth Degree (2nd ed.), Kegan Paul, Trench Trübner, London, 1913.