1. N. C. Possiel, R. D. Scheffe, S. H. Chu, and R. A. Wayland, Regional Modeling Protocol -- Ozone SIP Development Support, EPA-OAQPS, 1992
2. R. E. Morris and T. C. Myers, User’s Guide for the Urban Airshed Model -- Volume I: User’s Manual for UAM(CB-IV), EPA-450/4–90–007A, 1990
3. R. Wayland, Personal communication, USEPA-OAQPS, 1993
4. R. E. Morris, T. C. Myers, E. L. Carr, M. C. Causley, S. G. Douglas, and J. L. Haney, User’s Guide for the Urban Airshed Model -- Volume II: Preprocessors and Post Processors for the UAM Modeling System, EPA-450/4–90–007B, 1990
5. S. D. Douglas, R. C. Kessler, and E. L. Carr, User’s Guide for the Urban Airshed Model -- Volume III: User’s Manual for the Diagnostic Wind Model,EPA-450/904–007C, 1990