1. S. V. Caruso, “Some Aspects of Contamination Detection, Analysis and Control in Microcircuits for the NASA Space Shuttle Program,” paper presented at the 1978 Electronic Components Conference.
2. R. P. Young, “Low-Scatter Mirror Degradation by Particle Contamination,” Optical Eng. 15, 516–520 (1976).
3. J. L. Jellison, “Effect of Surface Contamination on Solid Phase Welding — An Overview,” in Surface Contamination: Its Genesis, Detection and Control, K. L. Mittal, Editor, Vol. 2 pp. 899–923, Plenum Press, New York, 1979.
4. A. V. Ferris-Prabhu, “Contamination and Reliability Concerns in Microelectronics,” in Surface Contamination: Its Genesis, Detection and Control, K. L. Mittal, Editor, Vol. 2, pp. 925–944, Plenum Press, New York, 1979.
5. A. A. Bergh and G. H. Schneer, “The Effect of Ionic Contaminants on Silicon Transistor Stability,” IEEE Trans. Reliability R-18, No. 2. 34–38 (May 1969).