1. M. Braun, Differential Equations and Their Applications, 2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1978. The best book around on the elementary level. Braun introduces Richardson’s theory [13] of the arms race on pp. 513–525.
2. S. J. Deitchman, “A Lanchester model of guerrilla warfare,” Operations Res., vol. 10, pp. 818–827, 1962. A readable account of the topic with a brief introduction to Lanchester’s laws.
3. J. H. Engel, “A verification of Lanchester’s law,” Operations Res. (J. Operations Res.Soc. Amer.), vol. 2, pp. 163–171, 1954. The source of our analysis of the battle of Iwo Jima. Should be accessible to the undergraduate.
4. G. W. Garand and T. R. Strobridge, History of United States Marine Corps Operations in World War II, vol. 4 [Western Pacific Operations], Histor. Div. Hdqr. USMC, 1971. An extensive treatment of the planning and execution of the Iwo Jima operation. No mathematics at all.
5. G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician’s Apology, 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967, pp. 140–141. From the book jacket: “… a personal account by a distinguished mathematician of what mathematics meant to him as a man. Hardy discusses and illustrates the attractive force of mathematics. He dismisses its utility but describes its depth and beauty as a creative art.”