1. D.S. Campbell. In “The use of thin films in physical examinations” (Ed. J. C. Anderson) Academic Press, London, p. 11–25 1966.
2. K.L. Chopra. “Thin film Phenomena” McGraw Hill, N.Y. p. 10–82 1969.
3. Chapman and J.C. Anderson. “Science and Technology of surface coatings”. Academic Press, London. 1974.
4. P.J. Harrop and D.S. Campbell. In “Handbook of Thin Film Technology” (Ed. L.I. Maissel and R. Glang) McGraw Hill, N.Y. p. 16.29–16.33. 1970.
5. A. Pliskin, D.R. Kerr, J.A. Perri in “Physics of Thin Films” (Ed.G. Hass and R.E. Thun) 4, p. 257–270. 1967.